Myanmar’s Suu Kyi proclaims innocence
Agence France-Presse

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Nyan Win told reporters Suu Kyi spoke to the court, which is sitting behind closed doors, as the prosecution wrapped up its case. The trial is due to resume on Monday with her legal defence, he added.He said the court was told the prosecution believed it had now presented enough evidence to win its case after hearing from 23 prosecution witnesses, most of them policemen. "They said they have found prima facie evidence," said the lawyer, one of three representing Aung San Suu Kyi.
Nyan Win said Aung San Suu Kyi had also privately told her defence team that the failure of security at her compound was to blame for the visit by American John Yettaw, 53, who is also on trial for swimming across a lake to her home, where he spent two days.
"She said: 'I have no guilt, the main reason that this man entered the compound is the failure of security, that's why the problem occurred'," Nyan Win said.
"She told us she wants to take sole responsibility. She accepted this person (Yettaw) for two reasons - the first is humanitarian and the second is that politically she doesn't want to cause difficulties for any other people," he added. The lawyer ended a press conference by telling reporters he expected to successfully defend the Nobel Peace Prize laureate. "We will win the case by the law," he said.