Ministry aims for 30 pct energy saving in public buildings

Having launched its national energy efficiency action plan at the start of the year, the Energy Ministry has said it aims to achieve 30 percent energy savings in public buildings by 2030.
“Energy efficiency is one of the priority agenda items…We will encourage energy efficiency in every field. We will support new investments,” Energy and Natural Resources Minister Alparslan Bayraktar said.
Energy-saving strategy is designed both to reduce the country’s dependency on imported energy, ensure energy supply security and achieve the net-zero emission goal set for 2053.
In line with the Energy Efficiency Strategy and the National Energy Efficiency Action Plan, it is planned to reduce energy consumption by 16 percent and contribute to the reduction of 100 million tons of emissions by 2030.
The ministry, which set a 15 percent savings target for public buildings until 2023, saved 1.1 billion Türkiye Liras annually in energy bills of public buildings, while the savings target was doubled for 2024.
The ministry also launched a project for street lighting under which 1.2 million LED luminaires will be installed by 2030 and this will be done in coordination with electricity distribution companies and local governments.
Meanwhile, the World Bank said on May 16 that it signed an agreement with Türkiye for a $1 billion program to support renewable energy expansion efforts.
The program will be implemented by Türkiye’s leading private and public development banks Industrial Development Bank of Türkiye (TSKB) and Development and Investment Bank of Türkiye (TKYB).
The program will help Türkiye establish and expand its market for distributed solar energy and pilot a program for battery storage, the World Bank said.