Germany urges swift end to state of emergency in Turkey

German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier has urged Turkey to restrict the state of emergency imposed after last week’s failed coup attempt to only the necessary length of time, and to end the measure as quickly as possible.Steinmeier issued a statement late on July 20 in response to the declaration of emergency rule, urging the Turkish government to maintain both the rule of law and a sense of proportionality in its response to the coup attempt.
“The declaration of a state of emergency makes it clear once again: The attempted coup is having a profound effect on Turkish politics and society,” he said.
Steinmeier added that Germany was continuing to call on Turkey to exercise restraint in its response to the failed coup attempt.
“Only provable involvement in illegal acts, not suspected political leanings, should trigger governmental action,” Steinmeier said.
“It is also critical that the declaration of emergency be restricted to only the necessary duration and then be ended as quickly as possible,” he said.
Steinmeier stated that such an approach was in the interest of Turkey itself, since anything else would tear the country apart and weaken Turkey both internally and externally.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan announced late on July 20 a nationwide three-month state of emergency after the July 15 failed coup, outlining the declaration’s purpose as taking “steps necessary to eliminate the threat to democracy.”
The Turkish Parliament will convene on July 21 to discuss the government’s decision.