Former French minister Patrick Devedjian dies from COVID-19

Patrick Devedjian, a former French government minister and a lawyer of the ASALA terrorist organization, has died from COVID-19.
Devedjian on March 26 announced that he was diagnosed with the novel coronavirus.
He said that he’d been affected by the epidemic and was able to testify to the exceptional work of the medical staff.
Devedjian was the lawyer of ASALA and played a major role in promoting what the Armenians call 1915 events “genocide.”
The 75-year-old was a former president of the Paris Haut-de-Seine district and a close advisor to former French President Nicolas Sarkozy.
Founded in 1975 in Beirut, Lebanon, during the Lebanese Civil War, ASALA blamed JCAG for hundreds of bloody terror acts.
In order to compel the Turkish government “to acknowledge publicly its responsibility for the so-called Armenian genocide in 1915, pay reparations, and cede territory for an ‘Armenian homeland’,” ASALA killed Turkish diplomats in numerous bloody attacks.
These attacks intensified from 1980 to 1983, when 580 of the 699 attacks- over 80 percent -occurred. The terrorist attacks ended in 1986, according to the Armenian Terror study.