Five Turkish trade unions begin nationwide demonstrations with one-day strike

Five trade unions have launched a nationwide demonstration campaign following the harsh police intervention in Taksim the night of June 15. AA photo
Five trade unions are set to begin today a nationwide demonstration campaign and one-day strike following the harsh police intervention in Taksim the night of June 15, daily Hürriyet has reported.The Confederation of Progressive Trade Unions (DİSK), the Confederation of Public Sector Trade Unions (KESK), the Turkish Doctors' Union (TTB), the Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (TMMOB) and the Turkish Dentists Union (TDHB) have called on workers to take to the streets in a joint decision.
"The ruling Justice and Development Party [AKP] government has launched an offensive against the nation, who refuse to give up their rights and freedoms by staging an insistent resistance," the group said in a statement.
The members of the unions will stop working on June 17 except for emergency cases and will march to their cities' centers.
The group has also asked for tolerance because of the disruption and also demanded the support of the people in the squares for a more "egalitarian, free and democratic Turkey."
The members of the five syndicates that will begin demonstrations as of today could reach "hundreds of thousands," according to a KESK official.
"We will take the streets using our power of production," said the general secretary of DİSK, Kani Beko.
"KESK members will go to their workplaces tomorrow, they will read a statement, and they will take to the streets," KESK General Secretary İsmail Hakkı Tombul said.