Fenerbahçe's former captain admits to ‘misusing Twitter’ in departure saga

Fenerbahçe's former captain admits to ‘misusing Twitter’ in departure saga

Fenerbahçes former captain admits to ‘misusing Twitter’ in departure saga

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Brazilian football star Alex de Souza admitted to some mistakes in his conduct during his time at Fenerbahçe during a press conference today – the final time he will face the Turkish press following his sudden departure from the Yellow Canaries last week.

"We are responsible for things that happen to us. I admit that I've made some mistakes. The biggest one was to hurt my team sometimes. I misused Twitter. I've sent some messages and SMSs to some people. It would have been better if I haven't done so. They said I was demanding more money. In fact all I wanted was the equal distribution of bonus. These are my mistakes," said Alex, who departed Fener last week after being left out of the first team by coach Aykut Kocaman.

"I didn't cry in my whole childhood as much as I cried last week," said the club’s former captain, adding that he was deeply affected by the most recent events while thanking his team for all the good times they spent together.

A number of Turkish TV channels carried Alex’s news conference live, but Fenerbahçe TV, the club’s official channel, was conspicuous in its failure to cover the event.

Alex began to fall out with his coach early in the season when he criticized some of Kocaman’s decisions via Twitter. The Brazilian star, the most successful foreigner to ever play for Fenerbahçe, subsequently saw his playing time reduced until being cut from the first team last week immediately prior to his departure.