Egypt’s army postpones unity talks

Egypt’s army postpones unity talks

CAIRO - Agence France-Presse
Egypt’s crisis showed no sign of easing yesterday as the army delayed unity talks meant to ease political divisions and the opposition set near-impossible demands for not boycotting a constitutional referendum.
Egypt’s military said yesterday that it was postponing talks meant to happen later in the day between President Mohamed Morsi and the opposition to a “later date.”

“The invitation addressed to national and political forces for a meeting of Egyptian unity has been postponed to a later date because reactions to it were not at the level wished for,” military said. On Dec. 9, the military put its foot down, telling both sides to start dialogue as “only way to reach agreement and achieve the interests of the nation and its citizens.” Voting on the controversial draft charter is due to start on Dec. 15, with a second round scheduled for a week later a on Dec. 22 following a last-minute decision by the electoral commission to spread polling over two days.