Antalya’s shorts, docs announced

Antalya’s shorts, docs announced

ANTALYA – Hürriyet Daily NEws
The films competing in the short film and documentary sections of the 49th International Antalya Golden Orange Film Festival have been announced.

Out of 254 short films 21 were selected for competition while 16 documentaries were selected from 111, Antalya mayor and honorary member of council for the Foundation for Antalya Culture and Arts (AKSAV) Mustafa Akaydın said in a written statement. According to Akaydın six of the selected documentaries are their directors’ debut work.

According to the statement, the winner of the short film competition will win 10,000 Turkish Liras, and the winner of the documentary competition will win 15,000 liras. Also, the best first documentary will be given 5,000 liras.

The statement said that 44 films had been submitted to the festival for feature film competition, and the selected ones would be announced later. The festival, organized by AKSAV, will take place between Oct. 6 and 12 in the southern province of Antalya.