13-year-old ISIL supporter ‘ready to attack Turkey’: BBC

The youngster spends his days online, watching jihadist videos and chatting on Facebook to ISIL fighters.
A 13-year-old Syrian in Turkey is training to join the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), the BBC reported on Nov. 6. “If they ask me to attack Turkey and give me a holy order, I would do it,” the boy was quoted as saying in the report.The Syrian-born boy, who wants to be known as “Abu Hattab,” was first radicalized last year, joining the jihadist group Sham al-Islam. His family now lives in Turkey.
Abu Hattab pursued Shariah lessons and learned how to use weapons, proudly showing pictures in which he takes aim with machine guns.
Now he spends his days online, watching jihadist videos and chatting on Facebook to ISIL fighters. He said he would go to the ISIL stronghold of Raqqa in Syria to become a young jihadi soldier within weeks, according to BBC.
“I like the Islamic State because they pursue Shariah and kill infidels, non-Sunnis and those who converted from Islam,” he said.
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