When will the resolution on detention periods arrive?

When will the resolution on detention periods arrive?

ANKARA – Hürriyet Daily News
President Abdullah Gül has criticized that detention periods have turned into punishments at the opening ceremony of the parliament. 

Deputy Prime Minister Bülent Arınç has uttered similar sentences. Some ministers have accompanied the criticisms. 

When the dose was exceeded, Justice Minister Sadulah Ergin announced that work was underway on this topic. 

But no concrete draft has emerged yet. 

A rumor started circulating in the corridors last week. It was whispered that the ministry was close to finalizing this work and it would soon be in the agenda of the cabinet. 
Ergin was in the effort of submitting the resolution to the parliament right after budget talks, and if not, latest at the beginning of New Year. 

Let’s see if this rumor comes out to be true.