If you believe it…

If you believe it…

Two “citizens” who did not believe they were citizens of this country lost their lives when security forces finally decided the show was over, roads cannot be left to the control of the “citizen” groups unhappy with the construction of enforced military outposts. At the closed session of a government-organized “opening” workshop it was heralded that what Turks always referred to as “southern “ and “southeastern Anatolia” was indeed Kurdistan and time has come for Turkey to acknowledge the name of the region.

One may say “What’s in a name?” or ask why the use of the word Kurdistan might be considered a requirement for “opening” of a section of society while an alarming sign of a country being drifted towards separation by the guys expected to serve the state and the nation? Like the Islamist headgear no longer considered a political symbol – mostly because Islamists are in the government and secularists have become a minority – perhaps a day will come when using such names with ethnic connotation for regions would be no problem at all. Was it not that the areas were called Kurdistan and the Black Sea areas as Lazistan during the Ottoman period? Perhaps once a return to the sultanate is achieved under the absolute ruler, such sensitivities of the republican society will disappear.

In Istanbul, the same day, the absolute ruler of the country – flanked by the businessman who in those pre-March 30 video footage allegedly agreed to contribute to a fund organized by the former transportation minister to buy out a media group – was laying down the corner stone of the gigantic third airport of the city. People could not forget, but the absolute ruler had apparently long forgotten the alleged remark of the businessman that he was making that contribution of the fund because in exchange he would f..k the entire nation.

Back in Ankara, a scientific board expected to defend science against all kinds of superstitious obsessions, but advanced in political Islam to such dimensions of banning Darwin’s evolution theory from its publications, released its expert report on the leaked voice recordings allegedly belonging to the absolute ruler, his chief clown, son and some other top executives. No surprise, the scientific board ruled in its scientific expert report that the voice records were a “montage,” done syllable by syllable, with very advanced capabilities.

Thus, we were relieved. The businessmen must have used the “fu” part in one statement “ck” part in another, “nat” in somewhere else and “ion” perhaps in talking about the Ionian times. Naturally, the prime minister must have used “dis” at one speech, “perse” in another, “bil” in somewhere else “lions” at a separate speech and “mo” perhaps in reference to mothers of kids kidnapped by the terrorists and “ney” while referring to the famous instrument of traditional Sufi music.

Got it? Perhaps that was why the imbecile presented in those recordings as the son of the absolute ruler was so confused that kept on requesting repeat of everything many times…

Far away from all this dirt geographically and mentally, in Bodrum municipal workers were working hard to assist a stray dog to take out her seven puppies from a drainage canal filled with excessive rain water from these past few days. The video footage of the stray dog vanishing repeatedly in the canal and coming out each time with one of the few weeks-old puppies was heart breaking. She was an example to motherhood and indeed her dedication and maternal behavior earned not only her, but the puppies a chance to survive as shop owners of the neighborhood provided them shelter and food.

Was the government of political Islam asking the party of ethnic Kurdish nationalism to help achieve the release of the kidnapped children from the separatist gang acting with the “parental instinct” of that Bodrum stray dog? Or was such begging a demonstration of their inabilities…