Woman tours country with caravan

Woman tours country with caravan


A woman, the founder of a women-only caravan club, has been travelling across Turkey with her caravan she named “Free Pole Star” for the last eight years, and by herself for the past two years.

“Caravan is a lifestyle that reminds you how fewer things you need in life,” Yıldız Can, a retired nurse, told Demirören News Agency on her last stop in the southern province of Antalya’s Manavgat district.

Saying that she has visited almost the entire country, Can noted that she also toured Georgia and Iran with the “Free Pole Star.”

When asked about the motivation behind establishing a women-only caravan club, she said, “When I was traveling on my own, my friends kept worrying and calling me all the time, asking me how I was. I decided to set up the club to show that I am not alone.”

At first, the club acted like a platform in which only 10 members communicated with each other about their whereabouts.

“Now we have around 20,000 members with approximately 6,000 active women on the roads,” she noted.

Recommending the “caravan-life” to all the women “who love traveling and feel ready for a minimal life,” she highlighted the importance of safety measures women should care about.

“Mostly I park my caravan in front of public enterprises where there are surveillance cameras. It I stay in a rural area, I inform the gendarmerie units,” she added.

The retired nurse aims to write a book of her memories on the road.

“I’ve been keeping a diary of all my memories on the road. I have all kinds of notes and photos about different provinces, bazaars, local food and inhabitants,” she said.

The book aims to become an introduction for all women who want to hit the road with their caravans.