Van earthquake victims will march towards Ankara

Van earthquake victims will march towards Ankara

VAN - Doğan News Agency

Despite the passage of 2.5 years since the quakes, authorities have still provided no permanent solutions for the survivors of the earthquakes. DHA Photo

The families of 44 victims from the deadly Van earthquakes of 2011 have announced plans to march on Ankara to protest continuing problems with shelter in the wake of the temblors in the eastern province.

Over 500 people died when a 7.2-magnitude earthquake hit the province of Van on Oct. 23, 2011, followed by a 5.6-magnitude temblor on Nov. 9, 2011.

A number of victims who settled in container sites after losing their houses and relatives started a hunger strike in protest at electricity cuts that started after they were told to evacuate the area.

Despite the passage of 2.5 years since the quakes, authorities have still provided no permanent solutions for the survivors of the earthquakes, prompting survivors to decide to march on Ankara.

One earthquake victim and a spokesperson for the group, Ali Ahi, said no permanent solutions had been offered despite the survivors’ hunger strike.

The group is demanding permanent residences.

“We will march in protest toward the capital of Turkey, Ankara, in the coming days with people chosen from among us for the permanent solution of this problem,” Ahi said.