V-Day 2012 event: The Vagina Monologues

V-Day 2012 event: The Vagina Monologues

ISTANBUL-Hürriyet Daily News
A fresh and vibrant adaptation of Eve Ensler’s award-winning play “The Vagina Monologues” will be performed by newly-formed international theater troupe Dreamtree Productions on March 30 and 31 at 8:30 p.m. and again on April 1 at Mekan Artı. It’s a sexy, hilarious, tragic and uplifting journey that celebrates individuality, female empowerment and the strength of women across the globe.

The play features an all-female cast from Turkey, England, France, Canada and the United States. This production is a part of V-Day 2012, a global activist movement to end violence against women and girls around the world. Ninety percent of the proceeds will go to IOM-Istanbul, which assists victims of human trafficking and women and children refugees. The remaining 10 percent will be donated to V-Day to aid in their continuing work.