US Appeals court tosses Armenian reparation law

US Appeals court tosses Armenian reparation law

SAN FRANCISCO - The Associated Press

People are seen walking the steps to the US Supreme Court on June 30, 2009 in Washington, DC. AFP Photo

A federal appeals court yesterday struck down a controversial California law that allowed descendants of Armenians who perished in Turkey nearly a century ago to file claims against life insurance companies accused of reneging on policies.

The move came when a specially convened 11-judge panel of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously tossed out a class action lawsuit filed against Munich Re after two of its subsidiaries refused to pay claims.

The ruling, written by Judge Susan Graber, said the California law trampled on U.S. foreign policy the exclusive jurisdiction of the federal government.

The California Legislature labeled the Armenian deaths as 'genocide', a term the Turkish government vehemently argued was wrongly applied during a time of civil unrest in the country.

The court noted the issue is so fraught with politics that President Barack Obama studiously avoided using the word "genocide" during a commemorative speech in April 2010 noting the Armenian deaths.

The tortured legal saga began in 2000 when the California Legislature passed a law enabling Armenian heirs to file claims with insurance companies for policies sold around the turn of the 20th century. It gave the heirs until 2010 to file lawsuits over unpaid insurance benefits.

New York Life and the French company AXA paid a combined $37.5 million to settle lawsuits. But Munich Re chose to fight the litigation, invoking a rare legal argument known as dormant foreign affairs pre-emption.

The insurance giant argued the state Legislature had no business weighing in on the issue, even though the United States had no clear policy regarding the politically sensitive matter.

The 9th Circuit agreed.

It was the third time the 9th Circuit ruled on the case.

The ruling Thursday could be the final word on the matter unless the U.S. Supreme Court agrees to review the unanimous decision by the 11 appellate judges.