Underwater photos of boat on which 61 refugees drowned revealed

Underwater photos of boat on which 61 refugees drowned revealed


Hürriyet Photo

Underwater images of the boat which capsized off the coast of the Aegean town of Menderes in İzmir province,leaving dead 61 migrants trying to reach Europe, have been revealed, daily Hürriyet reported today.

The captain was reportedly the first one to leave the boat while the most of migrants, including children and babies,were locked below decks.

Detainees related to the drowning of the 61 migrants are set to stand trial separately on charges of both "migrant smuggling" and "consciously reckless homicide" for each of the 61 migrants, the reports said.

The 46 surviving migrants were reportedly questioned by police and will be sent to a guesthouse belonging to the İzmir Police Department.