Turkish Navy welcomes four new platforms

Turkish Navy welcomes four new platforms


The Turkish Navy has officially welcomed four new additions to its fleet in a ceremony held in the northwestern province of Yalova.

The ceremony, attended by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, celebrated the delivery of the new naval platforms. Among the notable additions is the TCG Derya, now the largest warship in the fleet after the TCG Anadolu.

Erdoğan emphasized the vessel's strategic role as a supply and combat support ship, designed to meet the fuel and water requirements of troops and combat elements in close proximity to operational areas.

The TCG Istanbul, heralded as the fifth ship in the national warship initiative Milgem, stands as the first locally produced frigate, equipped with advanced radar, close air defense and electronic warfare systems, including a vertical launcher system.

Erdoğan, speaking at the ceremony, highlighted the Marlin SİDA (armed USV) as the world's first unmanned surface vehicle. He detailed its autonomous capabilities, designed to perform intelligence, reconnaissance, surveillance, surface warfare, electronic support and electronic attack missions fully unmanned.

Erdoğan stressed that the vessel's superior technical features would enhance Türkiye's dominance at sea, instilling confidence in allies and causing apprehension among potential adversaries.

"The secret of these successful projects that make us proud is the increasingly close cooperation and coordination between our institutions," he affirmed, acknowledging the collaborative efforts involving the Defense Industries Presidency, the Naval Forces Command, military and private shipyards, relevant state institutions, universities, private sector and SMEs.

Addressing the logistics aspect of naval operations, Erdoğan introduced the logistic support ship TCG Arif Ekmekçi. The vessel is expected to play a role in providing fuel, fresh water and food to combatants.

Erdoğan emphasized the critical role of a strong and independent defense sector, stating, "Nations that cannot be strong and independent in the field of defense today cannot look to their future with confidence."

The president underscored the country's unique geopolitical position and its commitment to "not only maintaining domestic stability but also actively seeking to end conflicts and promote peace in the surrounding region."

"As events unfold in the Russian-Ukrainian war, the crises in Gaza and Syria, and the challenges in Libya, Türkiye remains steadfast in its commitment to ensuring peace and tranquility in our region," he remarked.