Turkish man receives chemotherapy for common cold

Turkish man receives chemotherapy for common cold


Yılmaz Kızıloğlu

A Turkish man received chemotherapy after being misdiagnosised with cancer, while meanwhile, he suffered from the common cold. 

Demirören News Agency reported on Oct. 10 that Yılmaz Kızıloğlu, 48, from the eastern province of Erzurum, had applied to Atatürk University Research Hospital in February 2015 after suffering from fever and infirmity.

A pathological report said he had lymphoma, which resulted in four sessions of chemotherapy.

The man’s brother, who was suspicious of the report, went to a hospital in Ankara to double-check the diagnosis. His suspicions proved right, as the new report showed Kızıloğlu had only suffered from a cold, not cancer.

The agency added that Kızıloğlu’s legal battle against the university hospital that had misdiagnosed and treated him is ongoing after three years.

According to Turkish law, the university’s rector must issue permission for the prosecution of the medical personnel, which he has refused to do so far.

His “life turned to hell,” said Kızıloğlu, who applied to Turkey’s Council of State last month.

“I lost my strength and my hair because of unnecessary chemotherapy. I do not want to look in the mirror anymore. My children look in my face with tearful eyes,” he added.

Kızıloğlu wants “all people responsible in this scandal to be put on trial, so they will not harm anyone else.”