Turkish man becomes hero by saving 20 lives in Germany

Turkish man becomes hero by saving 20 lives in Germany

ISTANBUL - Hürriyet Daily News

Hürriyet photo.

A Turkish man became a hero after preventing a bus accident and saving 20 students' life in Germany, daily Hürriyet reported yesterday.

The bus was reportedly transporting 20 students aged 18 to 22 to an IG Metall union meeting in Böblingen. The union's secretary Türker Balaoğlu was travelling with the group.

Balaoğlu had to take control of the streering while the bus was traveling at a speed of 100 kmh, after he realised that the driver had fainted. He asked some guides to help, and they moved the driver from his seat. Another guide was able to slow down the bus and park it safely.

"We were lucky," Balaoğlu said. "I am so happy that only three students were slightly injured in the accident."