Turkish, German literature online workshops for children to begin soon

Turkish, German literature online workshops for children to begin soon


The “LiteraTür” project, which opens a new door between Turkish and German works of literature, now hosts a festival that will deal with all aspects of children’s literature. With the cooperation of the Goethe Institute and the Kovan Agency, a multifaceted, one-week program on children’s literature will take place between Nov. 16 and 22.

In the festival, which aims to shed light on the publishing of children’s and youth books, the German and Turkish publishers will come together. The event will also welcome writers, illustrators, literature lovers, translators, librarians, teachers, parents and children.

Among the event’s publishing house, Carlsen’s copyright officer Sylvia Schuster will hold a master class workshop on copyright management.

Anja von Kampen, a writer, director and traveler, who has always been producing literary texts for children, will hold a creative reading activity as well.

Gözde Eyce, one of the prominent illustrators of the recent period, and the author Sima Özkan will organize a drawing activity with a conversation titled “the journey of a seed” for children.

Tuğçe Ebesek Büyükuğurlu, who has written original children’s books in the field of philosophy, will meet with child thinkers in the “Thought Experiments” workshop.

A well-known author, Alp Gökalp, will hold a media literacy workshop for children to shed light on the field and its various prospects.

In the translation event, Olcay Mağden Ünal and Manuela Volz will discuss “Turkish and German as translation languages in children’s literature,” including the limits and possibilities of the language. The Günışığı Library will share its experiences regarding the publishing conference it has organized for years.

Participation in all events that will take place during the festival is free.