Turkish child who stole 5 liras from mosque faces 10 years in jail

Turkish child who stole 5 liras from mosque faces 10 years in jail

Burcu Purtul Uçar – ISTANBUL
A 17-year-old who stole 5 Turkish Liras ($1.4) from a mosque in Istanbul is facing up to 10 years in prison. 

The child, identified only as Batuhan S., took the money from the aid box in imam’s room after sneaking in late at night in the Şenlikköy neighborhood of Istanbul’s Bakırköy district.

According to the indictment prepared by the Bakırköy Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office, imam Sadık Bayrakcı realized that a robbery was carried out in the mosque at around 5:40 a.m. He then went to the police headquarters without touching anything.  

Byrakcı said 5 liras and a portable voice device was stolen and filed a complaint. The police determined that it was Batuhan S. who entered the mosque from a water bottle found at the scene.

He was subsequently detained to give his testimony, after which he was released pending trial.

“I took nearly 5 liras and nothing else. The aid box wasn’t locked. I regret what I did,” he reportedly testified. 

The prosecutor is demanding up to 10 years in jail for Batuhan S. over “robbery regarding objects in public institutions and establishments.”