Terrorism hampers Turkey’s development, says Turkish PM

Terrorism hampers Turkey’s development, says Turkish PM

ISTANBUL - Hürriyet Daily News

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Terrorism hampers Turkey’s development, feeding on the difficulties experienced in the lesser developed areas in the east, preventing Turkey from becoming a far stronger power, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said today during a meeting in Ankara, addressing governors nationwide.

Terrorist activities have been wasting away resources and efforts , blocking Turkey’s way to a bigger global role, according to the prime minister.

“If we didn’t have the problem of terrorism, Turkey would be a very different Turkey right now,” Erdoğan said. “When we overcome terrorism, which we will, Turkey will offer new horizons to the world.”

Erdoğan then called on governors, who have gathered in the meeting to hear his words, to “end all excuses for terrorism” by targeting poverty, financial difficulties and public services in the troubled areas.

“We will take out one by one every problem terrorism abuses for an excuse,” Erdoğan said.

The public needs to be educated in the damages done to the region by terrorist activities, he added, to end terrorism’s reign as the leading cause of structural underdevelopment in the region, and a strong factor for migration towards the western cities.

“We need to make out people feel that Turkey is not the Turkey that once was, and will not be that anymore,” Erdoğan said.