Teacher jailed for student drug and sex parties

Teacher jailed for student drug and sex parties

Mail Online

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A teacher in South Carolina received a 10-year jail sentence for hosting sex- and drug-fueled parties for students at her home, according to Mail Online.  

Sarah Jane Lindsay, 44, pleaded guilty for “criminal sexual conduct and contributing to the delinquency of minors,” according to the news site.  

Lindsay was joined by fellow teacher Audrey Beidleman Grabarkiewicz, both pre-school teachers and parents of young children, and up to 10 students.  

The true nature of the parties were discovered when a student’s parent became aware of the alcohol being provided to her son. The consequent investigation also revealed marijuana usage and sexual relations between Lindsay and several underage students, causing her to face more serious charges.

Grabarkiewicz faces lesser charges because her sexual partners were of the age of consent, but awaits prosecution for contributing to the delinquency of a minor.