Teacher accused of having lesbian relation with student at Turkish high school

Teacher accused of having lesbian relation with student at Turkish high school


Archival photo. Hürriyet Photo

A female high school gym teacher, 32, is being charged with having a relationship with a 17-year-old female student in Istanbul, daily Hürriyet reported.

According to the Istanbul Public Prosecutor Office’s indictment, the teacher was sexually interested in her student and first kissed her on the lips in the school's sports hall when they were alone together in February 2011.

The one-year-long relationship was revealed by the student's confession when her parents pressured her over suspicions about their frequent meetings.

The teacher confessed that they spent nights together occasionally and that the student also had feelings for her.

As part of the investigation, the teacher has been charged with "sexually abusing a child more than once" and could be sentenced to 10 years in prison.

The teacher has been released pending trial.