Suspected Syrian spy wanted to work for German intel

Suspected Syrian spy wanted to work for German intel

BERLIN - The Associated Press

Hürriyet photo

Prosecutors say a suspected Syrian spy who was arrested in Germany earlier this year once tried to infiltrate the country’s intelligence services.
The German federal prosecutors’ office says the 35-year-old man was an unofficial employee of Syria’s embassy in Berlin when he applied in late 2010 for a post with Germany’s Interior Ministry.
Prosecutors said in a statement Tuesday that the man, identified only as Syrian national Akram O., sought work with the domestic intelligence agency or electronic surveillance office - both overseen by the ministry - but was turned down.
Authorities indicted him last week on suspicion of spying on Syrian opposition activists in Germany.
Prosecutors have yet to indict a second man, German-Lebanese dual national Mahmoud El A., who was arrested along with Akram O. in February.