Stolen historical tile returns Minister Günay announces

Stolen historical tile returns Minister Günay announces

ANKARA - Hürriyet Daily News

Culture Minister Ertuğrul Günay says the tile, which arrived from the United Kingdom, is an upper window accessory and it is from the Quran to describe God. DAILY NEWS photo, Selahattin SÖNMEZ

Minister of Culture and Tourism Ertuğrul Günay has announced the return of a stolen historical Iznik tile. Minister Günay announced Aug. 10 that the ministry had a special announcement planned for Aug. 13. A press conference was organized yesterday for the reveal of the previously missing Iznik tile. “Let Allah help to keep the tile with us forever,” Günay said at the press conference.

Minister Günay dramatically revealed a historical Iznik tile dating back to the 16th century, which had been stolen from Sinan Paşa Mosque in the Bursa Province a decade ago, to the flash of strong camera lights. The tile was stolen on three separate dates in 1998, 2001 and 2002.

Upper window accessory in 34 pieces

“It is an upper window accessory and it is from the Quran to describe God. This product was not in good condition as you see it now. It was in 34 pieces and it was like a puzzle to put all pieces in the right place. The museum of Anatolian Civilizations and the Museum of Ankara Ethnographic Museum conducted the great work.” Günay said.

Günay said the tile pieces had arrived from the United Kingdom with the help of a Turkish citizen. He denied claims that the product had been held in the British Museum. “It was held in private hands waiting to be sold, but due to our efforts to return such items it was on a waiting list,” Günay said.

He indicated that the tile returned home on Aug. 8 and all pieces were put together thanks to nonstop work done night and day. “I informed the prime minister. We will have a cabinet meeting today. The tile cannot go to the cabinet meeting so the prime minister will come here to see it,” Günay said.