Special ambulance to the rescue of caretta carettas in distress on Turkey’s busy southern coast

Special ambulance to the rescue of caretta carettas in distress on Turkey’s busy southern coast

MUĞLA – Doğan News Agency

Caretta carettas are classified as an endangered species by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. AA photos

The summer season is the most important period of the year for the fascinating caretta carettas (loggerhead sea turtles), as their little babies crack their eggshells to come out into the wilderness of the Turkish coasts, where touristic yachts and all-inclusive tour ships dominate the landscape.  
The young sea turtles will be confronted with many dangers connected to the human presence in their habitat, likely facing very severe risks of injury or death.
But anyone coming across a wounded caretta caretta – young or adult – now has a new option: To call an ambulance! And sure enough, yachts and touristic vessels will have to give way to it…
The University of Pamukkale has introduced its first ambulance for transporting the endangered sea turtles, facing extinction in Muğla’s Dalyan area.
The small and fast boat will allow veterinarians to quickly rescue an injured turtle, bringing it to the Center of Research and Rehabilitation of Sea Turtles (DEKAMER) affiliated to the university. By doing so, they will be able to save more lives, all of which are precious to the survival of the species which is one of the symbols of Turkey’s Mediterranean coastline.

The first ambulance vessel is now
operational, vets at DEKAMER
have said. DHA photo

“We have had difficulties transporting the sea turtles found by people to our center. But this way, we are going to be able to do it quickly and easily,” DEKAMER’s director Yakup Kaska said. 
Caretta carettas are classified as an endangered species by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and measures have been taken in Dalyan and Antalya’s Çıralı area for more than 20 year to ensure a safe environment for the turtles.
The sea turtles are very sensitive by nature and avoid approaching the coastal areas to lay eggs when they feel threatened.  According to experts, it’s absolutely necessary that the areas where caretta carettas lay eggs are kept untouched and usually their main enemies are touristic projects of every kind which constantly seek to invade protected zones and natural parks.