Some 1 million Turkish children suffer from hyperactivity: Expert

Some 1 million Turkish children suffer from hyperactivity: Expert


Nearly 1 million children in Turkey have been suffering from hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder, an expert has said, warning parents to be careful with their children’s nutrition habits.

Professor Vefik Arıca, an Istanbul-based child health and diseases specialist, said that hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder are common in children with a rate of 3 to 5 percent.

Arıca stated that at least 1 child had this problem in a class of about 20 students, noting that this corresponds to 1 million children in proportion among the country’s population.

“These problems start with school period, especially after the age of 2. They are usually weak because they have troubled nutrition. They may not be able to recover their memory due to lack of concentration,” the expert said.

“They may have learning difficulties or experience various behavioral problems in their family and school relationships,” he added, noting that these problems may need to be detected and treated beforehand.

Arıca said that especially foods containing phosphatidylserine should be consumed, recommending alternatives of soy, white beans, sunflower seeds, egg yolk, chicken and beef liver.

The specialist also warned families against unbalanced nutrition.