Shelter of flamingos declared as ‘special protected site’

Shelter of flamingos declared as ‘special protected site’


Located in the eastern province of Van and a shelter for flamingos, the Çelebibağ shore of Lake Van has been declared a “special area for conservation.”

“We are very happy to hear the news,” Ferzende Coşar, a nature photographer, told the Demirören News Agency, welcoming the state’s decision.

According to a decision published in the Official Gazette, the site, which is 10 kilometers away from the Erciş district, will be “a protected site.”

“I was always wondering when this heavenly place will be a special area for conservation. Now we have the news,” Coşar said, adding that “hundreds of photographers and documentary filmmakers come to Çelebibağ annually.”

According to the local newspaper Van Sesi, the site is home to around 200 bird species, but the most populated species is flamingos.

“Çelebibağ is a frequent destination for flamingos. When the spring comes, they reside in the region for four or five months,” the daily wrote.

Apart from the flamingos, Çelebibağ is a haven for great white herons, swans, grey herons and ruddy shelducks.