Romeo and Juliet to come to Istanbul

Romeo and Juliet to come to Istanbul

ISTANBUL – Hürriyet Daily News

Shakespeare’s ‘Romeo and Juliet’ has been adapted numerous times for stage, film, musical and opera. It will be on stage at Zorlu Center PSM.

One of the most well-known love stories of all time, “Romeo and Juliet” will be on stage in Istanbul between Feb. 21 and March 1, 2015. Shakespeare’s work has been adapted numerous times for stage, film, musical and opera. The classical work will be on the stage of Zorlu Center PSM under the production of Italian David Zard.

Behind the stage are 40 technicians, a six-person communications team and a 15-person production team. Decorations, costumes and technical equipment will come to Istanbul in 13 trucks for the performance, which is brought to the city by Map Communications and Luce StageArt.

The work belongs to a tradition of tragic romances stretching back to antiquity. Its plot is based on an Italian tale, translated into verse as “The Tragical History of Romeus and Juliet” by Arthur Brooke in 1562 and retold in prose in “Palace of Pleasure” by William Painter in 1567. Shakespeare borrowed heavily from both but, to expand the plot, developed supporting characters, particularly Mercutio and Paris. Believed to have been written between 1591 and 1595, the play was first published in a quarto version in 1597. This text was of poor quality, and later editions corrected it, bringing it more in line with Shakespeare’s original.

Tickets for the event are available at Biletix.