Regulator cancels alcohol license for ODTÜ facilities

Regulator cancels alcohol license for ODTÜ facilities


Hürriyet Photo

The Tobacco and Alcohol Market Regulatory Authority (TAPDK) has cancelled renewals for facilities around Ankara’s Eymir Lake, most commonly used by the Middle East Technical University (ODTÜ), in accordance with new regulations banning the sale of alcohol on school properties.

The facilities of Eymir Lake, a popular spot for Ankara residents, were frequently used by ODTÜ for various meetings and events.

ÖDTÜ officials said the decision was entirely down to TAPDK, which has the sole authority on renewing licenses. The restaurants around the lake are open to the public on weekends and weekdays which, according to ODTÜ, had left them out of “school property” regulations.

TAPDK confirmed the cancellation, citing the change of regulations that have been in effect since November 2012.