Reds and Blues anxiously await first exit poll results

Reds and Blues anxiously await first exit poll results

CHICAGO - Hurriyet Daily News

AFP Photo

Democrats and Republicans are nervously awaiting the first exit poll results, with polls throughout the country near to closing. The expectation is for the first exit poll results to come from swing states such as Virginia and Ohio. 

The parties will either get the big prize of a ticket to the White House, or be bitterly disappointed after months of long, tiring and tense campaigning, on which billions of dollars have been spent. 

President Barack Obama spent all day in his home state of Illinois, while Republican challenger Mitt Romney carried out two final rallies in Ohio and Iowa before returning to Boston for the night.

Democrats have gathered at Chicago’s McCormick Place to celebrate a potential victory for Obama, with thousands of his supporters expected to fill the hall.

As Obama’s home city, Chicago is predicted to vote overwhelmingly for the incumbent president. 

Obama and Vice President Joe Biden are expected to appear at McCormick Place later in the
night. Exit polls from Virginia are expected to be released by 7 p.m. local time, and in Ohio by 7.30 p.m.

In many ways, the 2012 presidential elections are a replica of the 2000 polls, in which Democratic nominee Al Gore - despite winning the popular vote - failed to make 270 in the electoral college and ultimately lost to George W. Bush.

Some polls this year showed Republican Mitt Romney leading 51-48, but that will not necessarily mean he will get the keys for the White House.