Rainfall average drops 21 percent in Turkey in October

Rainfall average drops 21 percent in Turkey in October


Precipitation across Turkey in the month of October has been below the year’s average, dropping at 21 percent where the average rainfall recorded is 21.7 millimeters compared to last year’s 27.4 millimeters, according to the data by Turkish State Meteorological Service gathered by state-run Anadolu Agency.

In October, the rate of rainfall increased in only two of Turkey’s seven regions, the Aegean and the Marmara, while it declined in other parts.

When compared to last year’s October, the average rainfall has declined the most for the southeastern Anatolia region.

While precipitation was below one millimeter in the southeastern province of Mardin last month, high precipitation up to 104 mm was recorded in the northeastern province of Rize.

Experts predict that the decrease in precipitation may lead to problems such as water shortage and shrinkage of agricultural lands in the medium term.

Meanwhile, a warning for heavy rains in the Marmara region on Nov. 4, especially in Istanbul and the Bursa province, has been issued by the Turkish State Meteorological Service.