Provincial assembly meeting held in ancient site

Provincial assembly meeting held in ancient site

AYDIN – Doğan News Agency

DHA Photo

The first provincial assembly September meeting in the western province of Aydın was held in the ancient site of Nysa in the historical Caria region, where assemblies of elders gathered 1,800 years ago. 

The meeting marked a historical moment at the ancient Bouletion Assembly Hall where the Metropolitan Municipality Assembly members gathered, along with locals.

Locals showed great interest in the meeting, as women from a team involved in regional excavations wore historical costumes of the Nysa culture. Head of the excavations Professor Hakan Öztanır guided visitors through the structure.

One of the most important sites in the ancient Caria region, Nysa, dating back to the second century, was constructed by the wealthy Sextus Iulius Antoninus Pythodoros upon his mother’s bequest.