Police forces order flashlights that cause temporary blindness

Police forces order flashlights that cause temporary blindness


Riot police arrive as a group of Turkish leftist protesters stage a protest against Israel's attack on Gaza, outside the Israeli embassy in Ankara, Turkey, Wednesday, Nov. 21, 2012. (AP Photo/Burhan Ozbilici)

Turkish police forces have ordered Fenix tk 15 flashlights, which cause temporarily blindness if used on people, according to daily Hürriyet.

The Fenix flashlights will be used by policemen to intervene during night demonstrations and social events.

The flashlights will also be distributed to traffic police in the future, and may even be sent to border posts to be used against terror attacks.

The Fenix tk 15 can provide 400 lumens, and can affect a person in a matter of minutes, causing temporary blindness and loss of faculties. The flashlights are set to replace pepper gas during night interventions.