Pera Film opens the season with ‘Street Art’

Pera Film opens the season with ‘Street Art’


A scene from ‘Everybody Street,’ one of the films in the new program.

Pera Film will begin its new season on Sept. 12 with an energetic and gripping program titled, “We Rule the Streets: life, art, music.” Presented in tandem with the exhibition “Language of the Wall: Graffiti/Street Art,” the program peers into life on the street and the culture it nourishes.

As Norman Mailer states, “in the environment of the slum, the courage to display yourself is your only capital.” The street, as the city’s vein, encapsulates many: The masses roar, the youth thunder and thus an eclectic culture is born. This diverse selection of films of different genres and themes all explore how humanity has created an indelible relationship with the one and only pathway, the street.

Sixteen films will be shown until Oct. 3: “Style War,” “Everybody Street,” “Bomb,” “Bomb It 2,” “Exit Through the Gift Shop,” “Dogtown & Z-Boys,” “12 O’Clock Boys,” “Inside Out: The People’s Art Project,” “Dark Days,” “Gunnin’ For That #1 Spot,” “Brooklyn,” “Beats of Freedom,” “Who Took the Bomp? Le Tigre on Tour,” “Control,” “Hommage to Nicholas Ray,” “We Can’t Go Home Again” and “Don’t Expect Too Much.”

Screenings can be viewed with a discounted museum ticket (8 Turkish Lias). Reservations are not taken.