Orhan Kemal books translated into Urdu

Orhan Kemal books translated into Urdu

ISTANBUL - Anatolia News Agency

Orhan Kemal’s two books have been translated into Urdu for Pakistani readers. AA photo

Two of late Turkish author Orhan Kemal’s books, “72. Koğuş” (72th Cell) and “Cemile” have been released in Pakistan as part of the Turkish Culture and Tourism Ministry’s TEDA project, which aims to publish Turkish works in other languages.

“Both countries help each other in hard times. This is seen in the field of literature and culture,” Kemal’s son Işık Öğütçu recently told Anatolia news agency, noting that Pakistan and Turkey were sister countries. “Previously, two of my father’s books were released in Pakistan. Also, Jumhoori Publishing House released his two autobiographical books in 2010. Due to the interest in these books, ‘Cemile’ and ‘72. Koğuş’ were published by the same publishing house.”

Kemal’s books have been translated into 13 languages since 2005.

“72. Koğuş” and “Cemile” were translated into Urdu.

His 35 books translated
With the last two books, 35 of his books had now been released abroad, Öğütçü said. “I make offers to translators and publishing houses. Generally, foreign publishing houses do not know much about Turkish literature. They only know a few names. But we have a very rich literature and literary writers. The TEDA project has been very effective in these works reaching wider audiences. Another book of his will also be published in China this year.”

2014 will mark the 100th anniversary of Kemal’s birth.