The state has decoded the codes of solution

The state has decoded the codes of solution

There was one document among all the dust raised by the fight between the National Intelligence Organization (MİT) and the security department that has specially interested me.

I’m talking about the document containing the chapters of the agreement reached at the end of the talks conducted between the MİT team headed by Hakan Fidan and the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) representatives. 

This document was leaked to the media through some who claimed, “Look, how they have sold the country.” As a matter of fact, several circles tuned their antennas. I am sure there will be more widespread reactions after a while. However, if you ask me, I think that this document is full of data that brings a possible solution closer. 

This document demonstrates that the state of the Republic of Turkey sees very clearly the parameters on the road to solution in the Kurdish issue. 

We may like it or not; we may accept such a solution or not, but this document demonstrates that the state has decoded the codes. 

Maybe this agreement will be forgotten in a while; maybe other new agreements will be reached, but it is good for us to note that the basic points reached in this document will go into every agreement one way or the other. 

Starting with relaxing of imprisoned PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan’s situation and the freeing of members of the KCK, to the forms of self-governance for the Kurds, such a consensus has been reached at all significant points that it is crystal clear how the state views a possible solution. 

This approach makes essentials fall into place. It means that differences of opinion between the sides were not as big as we thought. 

It means that despite the tough statements the prime minister says, how much he criticizes the Peace and Democracy Party (BDP), the sides are again coming closer. 

It means that one should not be mislead by external appearances. There were other waters flowing under violent clashes. 

Of course, there is much distance to be covered. There are many problems to be solved. But, again, the stage reached is very, very, very important. 

Because of this, I am saying, “I have hope.” Because of this, I conclude that MİT has done a superb job on this matter, in fact its primary duty. Time was not wasted. Significant progress has been made. 
KCK must be very concerned 

While the media is trying to solve the puzzle in the MİT/police/judiciary triangle, it does not look into another front in the equation. 

Don’t you think the KCK, which is Kurdistan Communities Union, the alleged urban wing of the PKK is now brooding over this? 

Aren’t they biting their nails, fighting with each other? Don’t you think they are blaming each other or criticizing themselves? 

Why would this be? Look, the MİT guys have infiltrated almost all of their levels. 

Starting from the kid who is throwing a Molotov cocktail to the one who is acting as a courier, from those who are conducting the dialogue between İmralı and the organization to the one who has taken a role in the raids, there is a MİT agent coming out. Agents are sprouting everywhere. 

If you were from the KCK, wouldn’t you panic and fight tooth and claw with each other? 

I guess nobody can trust the other in the organization right now. Everybody must be suspicious of each other and there must be a total chaos. I’m sure they are all settling scores now. 

If MİT has been able to infiltrate the KCK as such, then couldn’t it have infiltrated the PKK also? 

Could the fact that they are in this situation right now be one of the reasons of the recent tension and the friction among each other?