My first biography is out today

My first biography is out today

I have so many mixed feelings, you wouldn’t know.

For the first time in my life a book has been written about me. It is in the bookstores today. They sent one copy to me last night and I will start reading it this weekend. I am no different than an ordinary reader.

I don’t know what will come out of it, or what kind of M. Ali Birand will be facing me and all of us. It has been about one and a half years in the writing, and when Can Dundar first mentioned the idea I was very excited.

It was during that period when I was ill. Maybe, in the corner of my mind, I was thinking: “I don’t know how long I will live. Shall I tell it all?” I probably did not want to leave this world with only columns and documentaries left behind.

Of course, I have enormous trust in Can. I am rather in love with his pen.

Finally, I collected my courage and surrendered myself to him. I sat across from him and told him everything. Can then talked to dozens of people after he talked to me; he scrutinized everything.

Not even one day did I say to him, “I know you are very competent but show me what you are writing,” because I have never liked those biographies that are somehow written according to a plan. Moreover, I did not see any risks because I had nothing to hide. But still, a slight fear has conquered me. You may find a very different M. Ali before you, somebody you did not expect to find at all.

As I told you, I will start reading the 400-page “BIRAND” at the same time as you.

I will, of course, share with you what kind of book this is.

I’m so curious, I wonder if those who like me will continue to like me after reading this book. Those who do not like me, will they hate me more?

This book absolutely belongs to Can Dundar. Its writing, picture selection, its copyright are all his. I will only have the pleasure of reading it.

Ali Ağaoğlu should be more careful
Ali Ağaoğlu is not an ordinary developer in this country. He has achieved such big projects up until now, so many giant ones, that he has thousands of clients and - more importantly - a very big responsibility of the construction sector on his shoulders.

If he had wanted, Ali Ağaoğlu could have refrained from growing this much and he could have been more humble. He chose the opposite. He grew and grew. As his portfolio grew, maybe he was not aware of it, but his responsibility also grew.

Today, the public knows about him with his fantastic cars, beautiful girlfriends, and with the money or apartments he gives away on every T.V. show in which he participates. He has his own style. Actually, he is doing nice jobs. He has become a brand himself. He has become the symbol of the construction sector, and he did it by himself.

However, while Ağaoğlu is growing is this way, does he pay enough attention to the impression of trust he has created in the public? Is he aware that he has to be careful about every word he says, in every show on which he appears?

There is a reason why I’m writing all of this.

If Ağaoğlu continues to talk and appear on T.V. screens too much, but meanwhile has a road accident or a slight tumble, then not only will he lose the trust he has in himself and of the clients who trust him, he will also drag the whole construction sector down with him. Nobody would be able to survive such a disaster.

All of us have the memories fresh in our minds of the Kastelli event in the 1980s. Do you remember how much he was trusted?

He also grew, grew and grew - and then one day he had a road accident.

For this reason, Ali Ağaoğlu should not underestimate his responsibility. He should act more carefully and more precisely from now on.