Iran is not doing Turkey a favor

Iran is not doing Turkey a favor

Iran is a country that calculates every step it takes. It is their culture and it has not changed until now. Turkey views this with a lot of suspense; they also do not believe us. There is a deep mutual distance between us. 

For the first time, the Erdoğan-Davutoğlu duo narrowed that distance. They supported Iran, especially at the most critical moments of nuclear negotiations. Hugs and photo shoots hand in hand increased. Because of that, Erdoğan was criticized a lot, but he went on unchanged. 

He made all these gestures because he believed them, and justified them within the framework of a general strategy. 

Erdoğan truly believes that Iran is developing nuclear technology for energy and not to produce weapons. The reason for this is religious leader Ali Khamenei’s words. The guarantee that the “imam” gave is important, rather than the guarantee given by Ahmadinejad or other official authorities. What is expected in return is to “confirm the truth of this stance.” In other words, gestures on the subject of uranium enrichment are expected. The politicians dragging their feet make Erdoğan suspicious. The impression increases that this policy is not honest. Ankara, despite the “imam’s” assurances, is troubled and its trust is gradually decreasing. 

Iran is using its nuclear policies as a negotiation card especially against the threat coming from the United States. Turkey is aware of that and is trying to convince Washington. 

When looked from Ankara, what is the outcome of all these efforts? 

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad adopted the stance of not taking the nuclear talks to Istanbul as if to punish Turkey on the subject of Syria. The person interfering with that policy was religious leader Khamenei’s. 

After that, Ahmadinejad demonstrated an attitude as if he had involuntarily carried the nuclear talks to Istanbul. To balance the harsh statements about Syria, they tried to give the impression that the gesture was being done for Ankara. 

At least, the Turkish public and the ruling party have this impression.Iran, from this moment on, has to calculate one aspect very well. From Turkey’s point of view, the nuclear talks are important, but the situation in Syria is a higher priority. It does not bring any more prestige that these talks are held in Istanbul. On the contrary, it is generating an unnecessary risk. It does not serve Turkey’s purpose to be seen on the camp with an Iran that is dragging its feet. The Syrian front is gaining more significance. In short, Iran’s stance is making it lose.

What is it to Islam if I want to be cremated? 

There were two views on the wish of playwright Meral Okay, who died last week, to be cremated; one segment of our theologians said: “This wish cannot be fulfilled. All wishes must be in accordance with Islam. The deceased must be buried.”

Those opposing this view said: “Whoever says they want to be cremated is not a believer in Islam, but that person cannot be forced to have an Islamic burial. It is an individual’s right to be sent off the way he or she wants to.” 

There is no ban on that. A law dated 1946 states that cremation is in fact allowed. If I want to be cremated, this is my right. Whatever Islam says, the last word is the individual’s, right?