Obama Muslim ring rumor denied by reporter

Obama Muslim ring rumor denied by reporter


U.S. President Barack Obama speaks at a dinner with winners of a campaign contest at the Smith Commons restaurant in Washington October 12, 2012. REUTERS/Yuri Gripas

A recent rumor claiming that U.S. President Barack Obama was wearing an "Allah ring" in a photograph has been denied by an American reporter in a piece written for about.com, daily Hürriyet has reported.
The claim, which was made by the right-wing World Net Daily, was backed by "plenty of digital interference over the low-def versions of the photographs,” according to David Emery.
High-definition photos of the ring were published on about.com to prove that the writing on the ring only featured symbolic shapes.
World Net Daily had said earlier that a ring Obama has worn for more than 30 years contained the first part of the inscription of the Shahada, the confession of faith in Islam.
One can convert to Islam by saying the Shahada – “There is no God but God and Muhammad is his Prophet” – with conviction.