New traffic action plan

New traffic action plan

ANKARA - Hürriyet Daily News

Regulations on the use of alcohol, speed, seatbelts and phones will be increased. Hürriyet photo

A recent notice issued by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan foresees an action plan to decrease the number of traffic accidents by tightening control of alcohol, speed, seatbelts and phone use. 

According to the action plan, regulations for the use of alcohol, speed, seatbelts and phones will be increased as traffic ticket fines are raised. The number of sea ambulances will be increased from four to 10. Regular police officers will be able to write traffic tickets in addition to traffic officers under the new action plan.

Driving license examinations will also become more difficult and United Nations standards will be adopted. Currently police cannot perform drug tests as blood and urine samples require the permission of a court or prosecutor. According to the notice, legal regulations will be made in regards to this rule and personnel will be trained on the subject.