Nearly 1.2 mln traffic accidents occurred in 2021: TÜİK

Nearly 1.2 mln traffic accidents occurred in 2021: TÜİK


Some 1,186,000 traffic accidents occurred in Turkey in 2021, the country’s official statistical institute has announced, adding that among all, some 998,000 were with material loss and nearly 188,000 involved death or injury.

“Some 78.6 percent of the accidents involving death or injury occurred in inhabited areas and 21.4 percent in uninhabited areas,” TÜİK said in a statement on May 18.

The number of people killed in traffic accidents in 2021 increased by 10.2 percent compared to 2020, the year the world was gripped by the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Compared to 2020, there were also increases in the rate of total accidents by 20.6 percent, and those involving death or injury by 25.1 percent,” the institute noted.

When the number of accidents involving death or injury is analyzed by provinces, accidents per thousand road motor vehicles occurred most in the eastern province of Bingöl, with 33.5.

The southeastern province of Hakkari was a runner-up, while the eastern province of Bitlis was third in line.

Istanbul was at the bottom of the same list, with only 4.8 accidents.
Among the persons killed in the accidents in 2021, 47.6 percent of them were drivers, 30.3 percent were passengers and 22.1 percent were pedestrians.

The primary fault causing the accidents was drivers, with a share of 87.1 percent.

“Concerning the 188,000 accidents involving death or injury that occurred in 2021, 68.9 percent of accidents occurred during the day, 28.4 percent occurred during the night, while 2.7 percent occurred during twilight,” the statement added.

Looking at the monthly distribution of the traffic accidents in Turkey in 2021, TÜİK pointed out that most of the deadly accidents happened in July, with an 11.7 percent share.

“Accidents with deaths and injuries least frequently occurred in February, with 4.8 percent share.”

The survey also comprises distribution among the days of the week.
“Accidents involving death or injury most frequently occurred on Mondays in 2021, with 15.7 percent share, and least frequently on Sundays, with 11.7 percent share,” TÜİK expressed.