Ministry, media watchdog partner to 'protect families'

Ministry, media watchdog partner to 'protect families'


The Family and Social Services Ministry has announced a collaborative initiative with the Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) to "safeguard and empower families."

The partnership aimed at "promoting family integrity" is set to see the signing of a five-year "Cooperation Protocol on the Protection and Strengthening of the Family" on Sept. 28.

According to a statement released by the ministry, the agreement seeks to address various aspects of family welfare. These include providing material, moral and social assistance to family members, particularly those requiring help and care. Additionally, the initiative will focus on designing and implementing educational activities and programs designed to "enhance family well-being."

Among the core objectives is the development of content geared towards "safeguarding children from neglect and abuse." The content will include programs dedicated to raising awareness about detrimental habits and addiction problems that can "jeopardize family harmony and happiness."

Furthermore, the protocol outlines efforts to combat violence and discrimination against women. It will also involve the creation of programs that promote education, employment and social participation among individuals with disabilities. Additionally, the initiative seeks to enhance the integration of elderly individuals into society.

The signing ceremony will also launch a separate project, which aims to encourage parents to exercise caution when sharing content related to their children on digital platforms. It seeks to cultivate a responsible approach to digital privacy among families.

Over the course of the two-year project, awareness campaigns will be developed to guide parents in the responsible use of digital platforms. The initiative will also encompass efforts to "prevent child neglect and abuse, aligning with the broader mission of protecting and strengthening Turkish families."