Merkür Art Gallery displaying ‘Chaotic Marks’

Merkür Art Gallery displaying ‘Chaotic Marks’

Ezgi Demirel, İpek İnal and Yesim Şahin are presenting their works at Merkur Art Gallery in an exhibition titled “Chaotic Marks.” The exhibition, curated by Denizhan Özer, is the result of an analytic look into colorfulness and chaotic sides of routine life through painting, sculpture and reliefs. The exhibitors’ artistic claim is that once we deeply look at everyday human life we see people creating a fictional reality about them which is instrumental in keeping them away from the factual reality. The exhibition’s primary target is to question this aspect of everyday life rather than expressing an aesthetic anxiety built upon this alienation of the self to truth. The exhibition is open through Jan. 28. Merkür Art Gallery is on Mim Kemal Oke Street No.12/2 in Nişantaşı neighborhood.