Linart showcases Anatolian artists

Linart showcases Anatolian artists

ISTANBUL- Hürriyet Daily News

Gallery Linart spotlights young talents from the Anatolian city of Turkey, which continues through Dec. 10. Company photo

In the exhibition titled “Memory Recordings from Periphery,” Istanbul’s Gallery Linart spotlights young talents from Eskişehir, the Anatolian city in northwestern Turkey, which continues through Dec. 10.

The importance of the exhibition lies in giving an opportunity to young Anatolian artists. Linart Gallery moved out of the periphery and main Turkish art scene, which is centered in Istanbul, by hosting artists from Eskişehir.

Young talents such as Birkancan Özkan, Gökcen M. Kılınç, Mehmet Çevik, Özge Öner and Serkan Küçüközcü are featured in Linart’s exhibit.

Artists chose to express themselves with the word “periphery,” which depicts an outer space or a space away from the center. The periphery means that it is not the center, but at the same time still has a relation to the center.

Artists try to reflect another center in Turkey, which is not only in Istanbul but in the outer, or the Anatolian parts of Turkey.

Those artists accept they are not living in the center of the market; however, they also claim that they are not separated from the center.

Artists also try to draw attention to the art events and artistic development that are taking place away from the center of art or from Istanbul. While they accept that they are not working under the same conditions as the artists who live in the center, they say they have the same problems and experience the same artistic concerns.

For a very long time in Turkey, this was the main concern of some curators. For example, Art Bosphorus’ art fair curator Denizhan Özer said importance was placed on bringing artists who do not live in Istanbul to exhibitions there.