Life expectancy at birth is 77.5 years in Türkiye: TÜİK

Life expectancy at birth is 77.5 years in Türkiye: TÜİK


Life expectancy at birth, which is the average number of years that a newborn is expected to live, was 77.5 years during the period between 2020 and 2022, marking a slight decrease compared to previous years, reveals data by the Turkish Statistical Institute (TÜİK).

According to the data TÜİK released on Sep. 19, in Türkiye, life expectancy at birth for men decreased from 75 years to 74.8 years in the 2020-2022 period, while for women, it went down from 80.5 years to 80.3 years.

Overall, women tend to live longer than men, with a difference of 5.5 years in life expectancy at birth between the two genders.

The data revealed that the average remaining life expectancy for individuals at the onset of their working years, at age 15, was 63.5 years. For men, this figure was 60.8 years, while for women, it was 66.2 years.

The average remaining life expectancy for someone aged 30 was 48.9 years. For men, this was 46.3 years, and for women, it was 51.5 years. The difference in life expectancy between men and women at this age was 5.2 years, the data showed.