Kindergarten teacher models Amazon rain forests in class

Kindergarten teacher models Amazon rain forests in class

BATMAN – Demirören News Agency

With an aim to show what the “planet’s lungs” looked like to children, a kindergarten teacher in the southeastern province of Batman has created a model of Brazil’s Amazon rain forests in her classroom.

The children, dressed in safari clothes, wandered around the models of predatory animals, trees and bushes and had fun.

“We organized this event for my students to discover the Amazon rain forests,” Esra Bozat said.

Stating that the Amazons are the lungs of the planet, Bozat noted, “While our students learn about thousands of plants and animals, they enjoy the Amazon Forests.”

“I aim to transform the classroom that children come to every day into different experiences and to have them come to the classroom more excited, more active and more loving.”

“My biggest goal is to provide permanent learning full of experiences.”
In the meantime, the parents of the students expressed their satisfaction with the event and thanked Bozat.