Istanbul readies to have artist residency project

Istanbul readies to have artist residency project

ISTANBUL- Hürriyet Daily News

The building in Çukurcuma is now under construction. ‘The building was owned by my parents and I decided to make this building an art residency,’ says the project owner of maumau Art Residency, Sine Ergün.

Sine Ergün, a writer and artist, aims to promote diversity and raise the culture industry of Turkey to another level with her project maumau Art Residency.

Ergün is now preparing to own the first “proper” art residency in Turkey, which will host artists, give them art projects, make them more involved with the art scene in Istanbul and also give them the chance to create in studios.

“maumau is a company that spreads its activities to various branches of the cultural and art world. By its nature, it shelters many knowledgeable and trustworthy professionals in the fields of its interest,” she said.

The maumau art residency is the outcome of all the experience gained from various levels of the culture industry, according to Ergün. Currently, she is working on the building and aims to finish it by July.

Ergün said her own art residency inspired her to bring the program to Turkey. “The building in Çukurcuma was owned by my parents and I decided to make this building an art residency, which will help artists in the short and long term. … The restoration process of the residency is still ongoing but by July it will be ready for the use of artists.”

Space for more than 10 artists
“The maumau art residency is designed to accommodate and provide production space for more than ten artists at the same time. Both local and international artists can apply for a residency by submitting their resume,” she wrote on the project’s website.

Artist residencies have long been popular, but residencies for curators and art critics have not been developed. However, Sözcük Tenement will also be open for “curators, art historians, art critics and art and culture managers, as well as artists who produce and research in the areas of fine arts, applied arts, literature and performance arts,” she wrote. “This is contributing to the culture industry,” said Burçak Konukman, maumau’s content provider. “By doing so, Sine Ergün is contributing to the art scene.”

maumau does not intend to stay only in Istanbul. “In the long term we aim to open up to Europe and other places,” Ergün said.

maumau will have four types of residency project. The first one will focus on providing apartments and studios for artists.

“We will not put any kind of pressure on the artist. They will be free to create what they want,” Ergün said.

maumau also plans project-based residencies. maumau would curate and make projects that artists could join, leaving one of their works behind, she said.

However, maumau also plans to include every kind of design, such as industrial and installation.

The third residency style is partnerships with other associations, and the fourth will be other artists’ residencies. With the support of various funds and the help of sponsors, maumau Production Company makes documentaries. By investigating mythical features of societies that are little known or unrecognized by the international community and by observing modern cultural structures and traditions, the maumau Production Company aims to conduct a variety of documentary projects.