Int’l Bodrum Jazz Festival in September

Int’l Bodrum Jazz Festival in September


Organized by the Jazz Association with the support of the Culture and Tourism Ministry, the 5th International Bodrum Jazz Festival will start on Sept. 1.

At the festival, 10 Turkish liras of each ticket sold will be transferred to a fund created for the compensation of wildfire disasters in order to support the healing of the fire-hit Aegean resort of Bodrum.

With the theme “Mediterranean Brotherhood,” there will be a mutual artist exchange at the festival with the Rhodes Jazz Festival as a sister festival.

Within the scope of the 5th Bodrum Jazz Festival, special concerts, exhibitions and jazz workshops will be held in venues such as Bodrum Castle North Trench and Dibeklihan Culture and Art Village between until Sept .11.

Concert fees start from 55 liras and some events can be watched free of charge, and events in the same venue on the same day can be watched with a single ticket.

The detailed program of the festival, which will also host Italian jazz artists within the scope of the “Mediterranean Brotherhood” theme, can be reached at